Free on-demand courses for
Intellectual Property and Innovation

Hosted by industry experts


PatSnap Academy provides free on-demand courses to help users to understand the world of

intellectual property, draw actionable insights and apply this to business questions.

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Most popular courses

  • Getting started with patents

    Beginner Level
    Hosted by

    Duncan Clark - Head of PatSnap Academy

    This course looks at what the patenting system is for, how the application process works and who’s involved.

    1 hour
  • How to turn an idea into a start-up

    Beginner Level
    Hosted by

    Joe Sekhon - Senior IP lecturer at Portsmouth University

    The course looks at how to give a new idea the best chance of commercial success, by following a programme of systematic steps and guidelines covering product development, business set-up and intellectual property.

    1 hour
  • How to do an FTO

    Beginner Level
    Hosted by

    Juliana Melo LLM - IP expert at PatSnap

    The course will guide us through the core concepts of freedom to operate: its definition, objectives of an FTO search and what insight and guidance an FTO analysis can offer.

    30 minutes
  • What can you patent in biotechnology?

    Beginner Level

    Victoria Randall - Senior Attorney at Finnegan Europe LLP.

    This course investigates and explores inclusions, exemptions, medical use claims and patents relating to therapy, surgery and diagnosis. 

    40 minutes
  • Does IP matter with Open Source Software?

    Advanced Level

    Paul McAdam - Director of Source Code Control Martin Callinan Founder - Source Code Control

    The course covers how to evaluate your organization’s exposure to risks posed by Open Source Software and identify procedures and best practice policies that need to be implemented to avoid unknown dangers, infringement risks, fines and bad publicity.

    1 hour 30 minutes
  • Master the Art of Patent Search

    Beginner Level

    Samuel Gibbon - Product Manager at PatSnap

    The course looks at how to identify which fields should be included for different searches, how to use Boolean logic and how to refine results using data such as classification codes, dates, jurisdictions and other information.

    1 hour 30 minutes





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