It's time to build data into your innovation strategy

As the world uses more and more data for decision making, innovation strategies are changing – and it impacts multiple divisions across the business. In this eBook, we’ll show you how to leverage your internal and external data to keep up with these changes and stay ahead of the game.

Key takeaways

The five questions that organizations need to think about:

  1. How many innovation projects should we run and what types of innovation do we wish to pursue?

  2. What is the attitude towards the desired level of risk the company is willing to undertake in pursuit of innovation?

  3. What are the objectives and desired business outcomes for our projects and how will we measure these?

  4. Who is responsible for reporting against the metrics and collaborating with other teams, such as the IP team? (Or: to put it another way, what is the governance structure?)

  5. What innovation methodology is best suited to the desired outcomes and how can connected innovation intelligence help?

Innovation strategy must be underpinned by data driven decisions

As more money is being poured into research and development every year, the pressure is on to produce a sustainable pipeline of viable innovations. However, the type of innovation and the associated risks involved will play a role in defining the overall strategy. Using the approaches put forward in this eBook, in combination with connected innovation intelligence and the workflows it supports, we explore ways of leveraging data for better decisions.

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